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Coronavirus, Do’s and Don’ts Free Advice Line

Since the onset of the Coronavirus we've seen many of our clients businesses either boom or be faced with the biggest business challenge of their lives. As the founder of MultiWebMarketing, I have spoken to many of our clients as they seek to understand 'what level of marketing should we (they) be doing'? Regrettably, there is no one answer that fits all.

Given the aforementioned, I have set up a free online chat advise line that can be found on the home page of our website. The line is manned by me, and my advice will be based around what we see is happening in the online search market, trends etc, as well as my 30+ years of operational marketing experience.

As a quick guide, if your business has been one of the lucky ones that sells online or that offers logistics solutions or food retail, then your marketing levels should only increase if you have the capacity to cope with new enquiries. Do not pursue what you can't deliver, you'll be remembered for the wrong reasons.

If your business is one of the many millions who can no longer trade, then where appropriate, offer free advice:-

Accountants = Free advice on the variety of HM & Local Gov business help initiatives etc.

Solicitors = Free advice on property evictions, sales

HR = Free Advice for employer furloughed workers and their remaining/ongoing rights.

Roofers = Emergency leaks/repairs

Electricians = Emergency electrical faults

Plumbers = Emergency plumbing problems/leaks etc

Gas Engineers = Emergency boiler repairs etc

Mechanics = Emergency Car Repairs (NHS Workers etc)

The above list is not exhaustive, but indicative. Your business maybe able to adapt to offer a now needed service, at least over the short term. Much of the free advice or emergency work will be positively remembered, post Coronavirus.

If you're in a sector where it is not appropriate or possible to offer free advice, then should you have any activity at all, or should you pull your entire marketing budget?

The simple answer is that it depends on how long we expect to be in Coronavirus lock down. If it is weeks, then change very little, if it is months, then much should change and you should look to make sensible reductions, whilst keeping your brand present.

Post lock down, there will be pent up demand in many sectors, if your brand has been present then you can expect a lift in enquiries, if not, then join the struggle in trying to re-establish your brand.

Paul, Founder, Multi Web Marketing

Posted on 29 March 2020