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Free Email Marketing Lists

Increase your contacts and leads

MultiWebMarketing™ have proudly partnered with, as their chosen data provider.

BuyUKData™ are offering 100% free sample Email Marketing Lists. Claim your list today, (CLAIM HERE) to see how you can increase your contacts and leads. Simply, visit the BuyUKData™ website, choose your sector, select your area and download your free sample.

You can use your free sample list to email, call or post brochures to potential new customers. All data comes in an instantly useable Excel spreadsheet, that can either be imported in to your CRM, or just be used as a paper list.

With over 1.5Million Business-to-Business contacts from over 100 different industries, you can be assured that there’s no better way to start building your contacts and leads.

BuyUKData™ give you a more economical way to buy, from just 8pence per contact, new contact data. Their database includes over 1.5 million business contacts in a range of industries across the UK, sorted by industry and location, so you only pay for the contact information you need in the location you need it. Whether you’re building a new database or are looking to expand your existing contact list, they have the data for you.

Posted on 26 March 2024